West Coast Interior Design: Tips for a Californian Home

West Coast Interior Design: Tips for a Californian Home

Luxury Brands

What comes to mind when you think of West Coast Interior Design? We’d say open, luminous spaces with a nice balance between glamour and chill. So, come sip on a cocktail and lounge by the beach while you read Joan Didion. Insplosion is here to give you all best tips for a Californian home!

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West Coast Interior Design: Let The Sun In

West Coast Interior Design: Tips for a Californian Home


What is the most important thing in the West Coast? The sun! It’s important to incorporate natural light into your Californian interiors. For example, notice the project above. On one hand, the sandy tones already evoke the beach. But it’s the way the light fills the space that turns it into the perfect, sunny bedroom.

West Coast Interior Design: Tips for a Californian Home

Of course, the use of light shouldn’t end in the bedroom. The large windows in this minimalist kitchen make the space feels so much more spacious and relaxed! Truly an amazing idea.

Minimalism is Key

West Coast Interior Design: Tips for a Californian Home


Office Ideas

We know people tend to associate California with Hollywood, and so it’s easy to think of excess. But do you think it makes sense to fill a luxurious modern home with clutter? Besides, californian homes are all about livable luxury. You don’t want a luxury room that looks gaudy or unwelcoming. On the contrary, this is meant to be a place the home owner feels truly confortable in. Take the amazing art deco kitchen above as as example. While stylish and full of personality, it’s all about understated mid-century beauty.

Light Colors

West Coast Interior Design: Tips for a Californian Home

If you’re going to focus on the light, you want colors that reflect it. That’s why you should mainly stick to light shades that reflect the sunshine. This gorgeous bathroom with products from Maison Valentina uses the light in its favor by allowing it to shine on every white surface. Furthermore, this room does something that all californian homes should do. It mixes the indoors with the outdoors! Plants are a must-have to channel the West Coast style. In fact, we can show you a few more luxury bathrooms that do just that.

West Coast Interior Design: Tips for a Californian Home

West Coast Interior Design: Tips for a Californian Home

Editor’s Choice:

West Coast Interior Design: Tips for a Californian Home


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