LUX Interior Design: Famous Interior Designers in Toronto

LUX Interior Design is obviously a studio that focuses on luxury. But what are luxury interiors? Gaudy, decadent things? No! In short, they are projects that blend sophistication and comfort. These famous interior designers from Toronto hit just that spot between functionality and elegance. Don’t believe us? Get to know their excellent interiors with Insplosion!

Royal York Residence

LUX Interior Design: Famous Interior Designers in Toronto
Photo © LUX Interior Design

Royal, indeed! Whether it’s because of the gorgeous, deep blue or the majestic beauty of the peacocks, this project just screams luxury. Also notice the intricateness of the lamps and chandelier. The trademark focus on comfort is quite obvious in the cushioned dinning chair design. The amazing wall décor even reminds us of Pullcast’s jewelry hardware.

The Luxe Beauty Salon

Photo © LUX Interior Design

Of course, no design studio could have been a better choice to decorate a luxury beauty salon in Toronto. The royal blue makes an appearance once again. And while the color itself already adds a touch of class, the clean lines also transmit an appearance of hygiene and functionality essential in this sort of project. There’s also nothing like gold finishing for the added touch of luxury.

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Legion Road Project

Photo © LUX Interior Design

White and clean, slightly mid-century and entirely classy. The blue accents are a little bit lighter this time, but just as classy as any LUX Interior Design project. This a truly gorgeous, delicate luxury room. The center table even looks like an old-fashioned birdcage!

Dragon Condos

Photo © LUX Interior Design

And now, something entirely different! While there is no trace of a lot of the signature elements in the previous projects, this amazing project for the common areas of the Dragon Condos is just as luxurious as anything the studio has ever done. The contrast here is between black and gold. Still, there’s nothing less than luminous about this space. It’s airy and bright even in the twilight!

Watermark Condos – Model Suite

Photo © LUX Interior Design

Another project for a Condo building. Only, this time, it’s for a model suite! This project capitalizes on the contrast between grey and gold. Somehow, this color scheme doesn’t make the interior heavy at all. It manages to be both luxurious and bright. The patterns are also part of its genius appeal. They are just similar enough not to clash, but different enough to make the project into something interesting.

Editor’s Choice:

Ibis Dining Chair by Brabbu


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