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It’s springtime and the office is the last room of the house to need restoration. Whether you work from nine-to-five in an office downtown or you make your own schedule at home, giving a renovation can be the best solution to keep working hard (summer is still far away!). Home offices can be a little tricky sometimes, because you need to create the right working atmosphere, without losing the fil rouge with the rest of the house. Another specific part of your renovation should be left to the walls: do you want to start your day with a clean palette or it’s essential for you to have a colorful ambient, full of stylish accessories? If you can’t answer, read our INSPIRATIONAL OFFICE IDEAS. You won’t be disappointed!


luxurious furniture boca do lobo desk of inspirational office ideas

The first of our INSPIRATIONAL OFFICE IDEAS is about adding a statement furniture piece to your office. Whether you choose a luxury writing desk or a stylish lamp, make sure to make them the focal point of the room. Besides, it will be the pieces de resistance of the room and a superb source of inspiration for your creative work. Try a Manuelito style writing desk, ideal to elevate the classic factor of the room with a leatherwork area and a lacquered mirror surface; or, if you want a French influence, try a boulevard-inspired writing desk to introduce a Parisian vibe all over the room.

luxurious office boca do lobo desk of inspirational office ideas


an office with bold accessories of inspirational office ideas

Go bold or go home! Don’t be afraid to dare and go heavy with different textures and audacious colors for your office. Besides, sometimes only gaudy tones can put an end to any blocks in your path. Setting the right color combinations will give you a productivity boost, for sure!

bold colored office of inspirational office ideas


monochromatic office of inspirational office ideas

If you hate distractions this proposal from our INSPIRATIONAL OFFICE IDEAS might be the perfect answer to your doubts. Sometimes, too many novelties and intrusions can interfere with the workflow. That’s why maybe it’s time to give a monochromatic touch to give the room a sophisticated atmosphere without disrupting your thoughts.

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monochromatic office of inspirational office ideas


unusual layout in an office of inspirational office ideas

If nature gives you the right inspiration, you can’t go wrong with a more natural setting: wood, wood and still wood! Try mixing it up with earthy and warm colors and rustic decorations. Try to play with an unusual layout! After all, you will only miss a giant window with a scenic view to find yourself in a holiday setting!

wood office of inspirational office ideas

If you enjoyed our INSPIRATIONAL OFFICE IDEAS article, go check some more to give you the right inspiration for your office projects.


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